Lee Jeans‘Your body is beautiful’

Agency: Fallon McElligott Rice
Copywriter: George Gier
Year: 1987
Client: Lee Jeans

File Under ︎ Copywriting with personality

👀  Industry: Fashion

ONE thing this ad does well (AKA Copywriting Tip):

Write a first paragraph that expands a lil more the claim you made in your headline.

1. Start With A Headline That Makes A Claim And Is Written In A Curiosity-Inducing Way ⇝  “Your Body Is Beautiful. It’s Your Jeans That Are Out Of Proportion”

2. Let Your First Paragraph Continue The Same Thought Of The Headline ⇝ “Even the most beautiful body can get lost under the wrong pair of jeans.”

Then it teases the magic relief:

“That’s why it’s important to wear jeans that let you look your best, jeans that make the most of what you’ve got. Like our Relaxed Riders.”