Who the heck created this website?

Hey there. I'm Miguel Ferreira, the guy behind Nobody Reads Ads.

I run Teardwn, a tiny web copywriting agency that helps
eCommerce brands go Punk when everyone else goes Pop.

But I'm also a solo entrepreneur bootstrapping my own products.

You might remember me as the guy behind:

Great Landing Page Copy (formerly known as Nishi) - A little corner of the internet to find good landing page copywriting examples. 

- Creative Samba (newsletter)- Snackable stories good enough to train your mind to think more like a copywriter. Even better for learning and connecting the unobvious dots between copywriting, marketing and psychology.

- Snackable Copy Tips - Snackable copywriting tips. So you can write copy far more believable, more vivid, more persuasive than anything ChatGPT puts out.

- Copy Ipsum - A template that shows you how to write unignorable landing page copy. Perfect for micro startups & side projects.

-  Oh, for business's sake...write like you talk! (The web copywriting crash course for bootstrapping business owners).

Think More Like a Copywriter eBook - 28 Dangerous ideas to help you think more like a copywriter.

- Chill Music Club - The chillest place on the interwebs to discover new music (without using algorithms).

- The hashtag #ihaveathingforvinyl on Instagram.