Belu Water ‘The Rain in Spain should never be sent by plane.’
Agency: Paul Belford
Brand: Belu Water (UK)
File Under ︎ Copywriting with personality
👀 Industry: Drinks
ONE thing this ad does well (AKA Copywriting Tip):
Communicating product facts is good. Dramatizing facts and making them interesting is even better.
⇝ “The Rain in Spain should never be sent by plane. ”
Side note: Let's imagine you run the UK's Most Ethical Bottled Water Belu. And you want to launch an ad campaign showing your new packaging.
Hard facts: Belu is carbon neutral, that's why Belu doesn't import or export its water. Belu is also a 'not for profit' enterprise, and they donate 100% of their profits to the charity WaterAid.
Now here's what you could say: “Fresh new look, the same old Ethical Bottled Water”
But this sounds a bit bland.
Now read what Creative agency Paul Belford wrote:
"The Rain in Spain should never be sent by plane."
Then the body copy clarifies the BIG idea and expands the claim:
"Or boat or truck for that matter. At Belu, we have one simple rule: We will never import of export water. Because we want to be 100% carbon neutral. And unlike any other bottled water, we donate all our profits to WaterAid. Belu. Made with mineral water and ethics.”