Stabilo Boss ‘Highlight the Remarkable - Edith Wilson’

Agency: DDB Group / Düsseldorf, Germany
Copywriter:Teresa Berude
Year: 2018
Brand: Stabilo Boss (Germany)

File Under ︎ Simple and straightforward copywriting

👀  Industry: Office Equipment

ONE thing this ad does well (AKA Copywriting Tip):

The human brain is wired to notice things that stand out.

Psychologists call this the Von Restorff effect.So use it to your advantage. 

Use color, position, texture, shapes OR inject a bit more persionality into your copy to dramatize and highlight the contrast between your brand and competitors.

⇝ “Highlight the remarkable Edith Wilson. The First Lady who assumed her husband’s presidential’s responsabilities after he was paralyzed by a stroke” .